Article for advanced users

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Wirepas Update

Treon Industrial Node Treon Industrial Node 6 Treon Gateway 1 Treon Gateway 2

This article describes the process of updating the Wirepas version of your Treon Gateway 1, Treon Gateway 2, Treon Industrial Nodes and Industrial Nodes 6 via an SSH connection to your Treon Gateway.

Wirepas Update with SSH

Notes before starting updates

  • We recommend to update gateway to latest version first. For Wirepas 5.3 Gateway version 7.3 or higher is required
  • Wirepas version 4.x and 5.x are not compatible. If updating from 4.x you need to be careful that all nodes update before updating the sink or you will not be able to connect to the remaining 4.x devices
  • Wirepas version 5.3 is our only compatible version with both OTAPv1 and OTAPv2 commands
  • The FILE needs to be full filepath (starting with /).
  • Treon Gateway 1 uses the same Wirepas file as the Treon Industrial Node, the Treon Industrial Node 6 and the Treon Industrial Node EX, Treon Gateway 2 uses a different file and requires special consideration when updating. See below
  • Some nodes might be turned off/not found after update. Let them be for at least 5 minutes after the update and if they don’t reconnect on their own try rebooting gateway and nodes.
  • If after 5 minutes and restarting nodes/gateway some nodes are missing, they might be left behind in WP4 network. You can downgrade gateway to WP4 with the image provided and look for them there.

Command used

We will be using the command “sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota” some examples are:

sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota --status-only will report the wirepas version of the gateway and all nodes it can see after a scan (default 3 minutes).
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -h will show the parameters needed for updating the wirepas version
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s FILE --no-sink is the basic way to update all nodes without updating the gateway, so you can verify the update was successful before updating the sink.
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s FILE -q 0 is the basic command to update only gateway sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s FILE will update both the gateway and nodes

The files needed to update to Wirepas 5.3 is /usr/treon/wirepas/fw/ Note that you will need to use the full path in the command.

Treon Gateway 2 devices

If you are updating a Treon Gateway 2, the file in the Gateway will be the needed one to update the Gateway only:
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s /usr/treon/wirepas/fw/ -q 0

Then you will need to download the file to update the nodes:
sudo curl --key /mnt/identity/device_key.pem --cert /mnt/identity/device_cert.pem -o /tmp/indnode-

And run the node-only update:
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s /tmp/indnode- --no-sink


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