Treon Aito Release 6.5 for Gateway
This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 6.5.2 for Gateway software release.
Update Link
Update link:
Command line:
fwupdate-run --use-device-cert
Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly. Please see this article to learn more about updating your gateway.
For Internal Networks LAN
Due to a new feature to prevent ethernet hangups, Internal Network usage now requires disabling the ping or changing the address to an internal address. Follow the instructions here
What’s New Treon Aito Release 6.5 for Gateway
In the Treon Aito Release 6.5.2 for Gateway, we are now supporting Wirepas 5.2 OTAPv2. OTAPv2 is supported for WNT and CLI but not yet for DM commands. The list of improvements for Wirepas 5.2 can be found here
The Treon Gateway also hosts the otap file required to update the Wirepas version of the Treon Industrial Node and Treon Industrial Node 6, as well as the Treon Gateway itself, in the file structure in /usr/treon/wirepas/fw in order to facilitate the update.
The USB port will not be powered on until 30 seconds after the boot is complete. Rebooting the Treon Gateway now powercycles all USB-powered devices. The change was prompted from a case in which the gateway having issues with the USB devices not power-cycling as the power went off for a short amount of time during the gateway reboot, while connected devices with powerful enough capacitors were not rebooted.
We have introduced new capabilities to the SIM compatibility. The Treon Gateway now supports SIM authentication with CHAP/PAP protocols.
There is a change to the Treon Gateways reaction when encountering an out-of-memory error. The gateway will now reboot instead of killing processes. This improves the gateway’s stability. Nevertheless, in the rare case of a service causing an out-of-memory error very shortly after boot, it can cause the device to not power on properly and be stuck in a boot loop.
The .Net frameworks version was upgraded to 6.0.2.
- The Device Manager now supports changing Wirepas parameters of connected nodes. It will use the tool integrated in the Treon Gateway. This means that Wirepas parameters can be edited now from a backend connection. Link to DM command page
Scripts and commands
- The wp_ota command now supports OTAPv2 used by Wirepas version 5.2 nodes and other devices. Use the -h (help) command in the command interface to read about the new features.
- The tool used for reading and modifying Wirepas characteristics is now capable of sending custom messages with -m or -manual flags.
Stability and bugfixes
- A bug which caused the update process to work incorrectly after a Treon Gateway was wiped by holding the configuration button on the bottom (or by deleting the folder with the ssh authorized keys in the file structure) was fixed. In particular, the updatehooks would not trigger correctly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Treon Gateway’s sink to not turn off correctly when changing the SinkOn parameter to false.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause messages with pingresult as mqtt topic to end up in the cloud by mistake.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the cloud connection to reconnect/disconnect in a loop.
- The network stability of Treon Asset Nodes was improved. When Treon Asset Nodes delivered buffered messages, the Treon Gateway tried to correct the nodes' timer. Now the correction will only be triggered with status messages, which are not buffered.
- The Treon Gateway’s update system reliability was increased to prevent permanent damage when updating with a corrupt file system.
- We implemented a change to the gw-system manager in case a ping fails. Now the gw-system-manager will reset the ethernet connection. This will help recover the network connection in some cases when the ethernet connection was previously recovered by rebooting the Treon Gateway.
- There is an existing issue with the Connman version used. Setting a timeserver doesn’t work if there are no nameservers defined.
Workaround: Define a nameserver in connman config /var/lib/connman (or in the Config UI) with any IP (the IP does not need to respond). This workaround can generate other issues connected to no nameserver if it is incorrect, but without it the timeserver cloud connections will not work correctly.
No migration needed from Treon Aito Release 6.0.0 for Gateway
For Internal Networks: Due to a new feature to prevent ethernet hangups, Internal Network usage now requires disabling the ping or changing the address to an internal address. Follow the instructions here
Target devices
All Treon Gateways and Treon Gateways in Protective Enclosure.
What’s New Treon Aito Release 6.5.1 for Gateway
- Small changes to the text fields in the browser-based Treon Gateway Config UI were made.
What’s New Treon Aito Release 6.5.2 for Gateway
- The Nodefwupdater (a command to update Treon nodes) received a bugfix and selecting single nodes by Device ID feature now is working correctly. Also, now by default it will be more reliable, a new parameter (set by default to 2) will determine how many times each package is sent, this means by default it will take a longer time but be much more likely all packets are received.
- The NodeInventory feature uses less CPU processing, this will be most notable when processing raw data with the Treon Gateway.
Stability and bugfixes
- We included a fix for a bug affecting only customers using ConnectionString to connect to Microsoft Azure backends.
The bug made the Treon Gateway create an SAS token that was already expired due to the gateway not having the proper time settings.
Even if the correct time settings were obtained later via a time server, the gateway would not generate a new SAS token, resulting in a reconnection loop. This bug was most notable for gateways connecting via a cellular connection, as that connection takes the longest time from the gateway powering up to establishing the internet connection. The bug would also present for Treon Aito Release for Gateway versions 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 connected via an USB modem stick, as the default boot order placed the modem stick last in the boot order. - The MQTT client inflight message limit issue was fixed. There was an error causing the maximum number of non-confirmed MQTT messages handled to be ignored under certain conditions.
- The MQTT client TLS setup was updated. Now the Client will negotiate with the Server what TLS version to use instead of only using TLS 1.2 as default. The options supported are nwo TLS versions 1.2 and 1.3.
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