
Wirepas 5.3

Wirepas 5.3 Notice Only Gateways with firmware 7.3 or higher can use Wirepas 5.3. Wirepas 5.3 is an incremental improvement in the quality of the wirepas connection along with a few bugfixes.

Troubleshooting - Wirepas

I cannot find the correct Treon Gateway from my network, and mDNS does not show anything. If your computer is connected over WLAN to a corporate network, the configuration of the corporate network routers may prevent mDNS from working.

Change the Wirepas Network Parameters

Introduction Please note: This article is for Treon Gateways with a Treon Aito release version of 6.0 or higher and a Wirepas network release version 5.x. Please note: Make sure you know what network you are changing your devices to.

Passthrough Parser

Introduction The Passthrough Parser is a feature that forwards data from third party sensor nodes in your Wirepas ecosystem to your backend via the Treon Gateway, Treon Gateway 2 or Treon Gateway in Protective Enclosure.
