Treon Gateway 2

Treon Gateway - SSH Connection

Introduction If you are trying to do advanced work on the Treon Gateway, Treon Gateway 2 and Treon Gateway in Protective Enclosure that cannot be done via the Configuration UI, you need to connect via an SSH connection.

Connect your Treon Gateway

Introduction Your Treon Connect Test Kit gateway typically comes equipped with a SIM card operational in your country. Additionally, all Treon Gateways can be connected to the the internet via Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi.

Treon Gateway Telemetry

Introduction In Treon Aito Release 7.0 for Gateway and higher, it is possible to enable sending telemetry data from the Treon Gateway to your MQTT cloud. Please also see the full JSON specification according to JSON Schema.

Update your Treon Gateway via DM Commands

Introduction This article describes how to update Treon Gateway and Treon Gateway 2 software via DM commands. For a full guide on working with DM Commands on the Treon Gateway, please read this article.

Update your Treon Gateway via DM Commands

Introduction This article describes how to update your Treon Aito Release for Gateway via DM commands. For a full guide on working with DM Commands on the Treon Gateway, please read this article.

Troubleshooting - Treon Gateways

No connection via SIM card If the Treon Gateway has a SIM card in its SIM card slot but does not connect to the network (indicated by a red status light), there are several possible root causes.

Update Hooks

Describes gateways updatehooks operations

Update Hooks

Describes gateways updatehooks operations

Advanced Configuration of the Treon Gateway

Introduction After you have successfully connected to the Treon Gateway, Treon Gateway 2 or Treon Gateway in Protective Enclosure using an SSH connection, you can configure the available advanced parameters and settings.

Data Parsing

Notice Fragment and Vector are data types added in release 7.3. You need to update your Gateway to 7.3 or higher to enable them. Introduction These features have been introduced to help manage Burst type data.