Wirepas Update

Treon Industrial Node Treon Industrial Node 6 Treon Gateway 1 Treon Gateway 2

This article describes the process of updating the Wirepas version of your Treon Gateway, Treon Gateway 2, Treon Industrial Nodes and Industrial Nodes 6 via an SSH connection to your gateway.


Wirepas Update with SSH

Key Points

  • Always first update your Treon Gateway and Treon Gateway 2 to the latest software version. For Wirepas 5.3, Treon Gateway 7.3 or higher is required!
  • Wirepas versions 4.x and 5.x are not compatible. When updating from 4.x, you need to be careful that all nodes are updated before updating the gateway, or you will not be able to connect to the remaining 4.x devices in the mesh network.
  • Wirepas version 5.3 is the only compatible version with both OTAPv1 and OTAPv2 commands.
  • The FILE variable in the command needs to be the full filepath (starting with /).
  • The Treon Gateway uses the same Wirepas file as the Treon Industrial Node, the Treon Industrial Node and the Treon Industrial Node 6 EX. The Treon Gateway 2 uses a different file and requires special consideration when updating as described below.
  • It might happen that some nodes appear turned off or cannot be found in the mesh network after an update. Please wait at least 5 minutes after the update. Should they still remain unconnected, reboot the gateway and the nodes.
  • Should the nodes or the gateway still appear missing after waiting for 5 minutes and a restart, they might be left behind in the Wirepas 4.x network. In this case, downgrade the gateway again to Wirepas 4.x, then update the nodes, before you update the gateway to Wirepas 5.x again.


SSH Commands used

For updating Wirepas use the command sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota.

Some usage examples are:

sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota --status-only will report the Wirepas version of the gateway and all nodes after a scan (default 3 minutes).

sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -h will show the parameters needed for updating Wirepas.

sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s FILE --no-sink updates all nodes without updating the gateway, so you can verify the nodes' update was successful before updating the sink.

sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s FILE -q 0 updates only the gateway.

sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s FILE updates both the gateway and the nodes.

The file needed to update to Wirepas 5.3 is /usr/treon/wirepas/fw/

Note that you will need to use the full path in the command.

Treon Gateway 2

Step 1: Download the file:
sudo curl --key /mnt/identity/device_key.pem --cert /mnt/identity/device_cert.pem https://debug.treon.fi/treongw_firmware/wirepas/indnode/indnode- -o /tmp/indnode-

Step 2: Run the node-only update:
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s /tmp/indnode- --no-sink

Step 3: Update the gateway
The file located in the gateway will be the one to update only the gateway:
sudo /usr/sbin/wp_ota -s /usr/treon/wirepas/fw/ -q 0