Caution! Article for developers

Information on this page is intended particularly for users with advanced technical knowledge.


Treon Gateway


CBOR is a data format based on JSON that we use to compress some of our newer features.
CBOR resources on the Gateway use DM messages with “Ver”:“2.1” instead of “Ver”:“2” to differentiate from the plain JSON type messages.

You can learn more about implementing CBOR here.

Treon Content using CBOR

You can view and download the .cddl specification files here

33584Node InventoryDownload
33585Wirepas ParametersDownload

Using CBOR content

When reading CBOR content you will need to use a tool like You can just paste the “Val” result into the second box (Bytes) and click the arrow to get the full information.

For writing new values you will need to download the appropriate .cddl file to encode the data